Restructuring Futures
Restructuring Futures is a 2-year project to develop a shared collaborative workspace for asynchronous creation for cultural product and projects. The tools will be designed for the “culture that’s coming”, specifically to be resilient to political and ecological disturbances, rising authoritarianism and failures of centralized systems.
Restructuring Futures emerged from the sudden halt of in-person artistic collaboration and production during the COVID-19 pandemic. As this project's digital strategist and lead designer, I worked with project partners (The Laboratory for Artistic Intelligence, HYPHA Worker Co-op, and UKAI Projects) and various artist communities in Toronto and globally to create an alternative digital collaboration model outside corporate infrastructures. The workshops and story developments allowed the project’s technical partner, HYPHA Worker Co-op, to support the prototype of a portable mesh network enabling artists to work autonomously and securely, built on Earthstar, an offline-first decentralized data-keeping protocol.
This project leveraged worldbuilding exercises to explore scenarios of political activism, life under authoritarianism, and communications technologies post-climate disaster. It resulted in a tangible infrastructure prototype for artistic resilience and digital independence/interdependence.