The identity of Ferment AI is an articulation of game and play. It’s a maze with no entrance nor exit, yet it is a container of countless paths still to be tried and to learn from. The “solve” is not definitive, perhaps there will be none, perhaps there will be infinite.
The website is an anti-thesis of current trends of attention-seeking, conversion-hungry, hyper-organized web sites aiming to maximize clicks. is focused on search and indexing, in a way, playing into the rituals of browsing the internet. We are always greeted with a search bar, and the algorithms learn about us through what and how we search. Contents are becoming more granular and specific, thanks to our collective habits of looking for fast answers. We thought that it is fitting to make everything about Ferment AI a blog post so that everything is indexed, searchable, and sharable. Rather than appeasing the algorithms by using keywords that are trendy, we encourage Ferment AI to categorize and tag each entry rigorously with keywords that are creative, relevant, and perhaps even surprising. Indexing through a human’s way of thinking can potentially become a play with the machines.
Everything machine has a living counterpart.
The digital must embody the material.
Systems that are invisible are to be made visible.
Occupy mundane and quotidian networks.
Revisit and re-explore what’s finalized, rendering the finalized unfinalized.
Human indexing is a dialogue with the machine.